Sunday, September 30, 2007


So we got a couple of slings in the mail from Xander's Aunt Julie on Friday. I thought it would be a great idea to cut the grass with Xander. I was so excited I couldn't wait. So Amanda tells me I have to use the brown colored sling. Well, I didn't want to because it looked too complicated. I wanted to use the light brown one. Amanda kept telling me it was too big. I didn't care, I was going to try it anyway.

Well, it was just too complicated and I was too excited to be patient to figure it out. So I put Xander in the light brown sling on the couch and then tried to put it on. Well, that didn't work because it wasn't big enough...which Amanda reiterated to me again for the third time howling with laughter.

And of course, she was right. So then she inflated my ego and said, "You know, you look like a Jedi with that other one on." Oh, well the brown one is my favorite sling in the whole world now!

Wee, look at me, I look like a Jedi!

Prepare to die Dooku!

So then after another 10 minutes of trying to get Xander arranged in there we cut the grass.

But only half of the backyard because then I became super paranoid that I was giving him shaken baby syndrome. The nurses at the hospital say "Oh don't worry, baby's don't break." Then they make you watch a shaken baby video with interviews with parents who killed, blinded and gave their kid cerebral palsy because they were shaken.

So the paranoid mom call to the dr only took 10 days to happen.

He's acting normal too so everything is okay.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Ah, the first paranoid parent call is always special. ;)

Looks good! It gets a lot faster to put it on and get him settled after a few dozen tries...within a week it'll feel as normal as tying a shoe.