Monday, September 10, 2007

weekend recap

So we had this baby class over the weekend on birthing babies. It was quite useful since "...I don't know nothin' 'bout birthing babies." It was a good class, we went over breathing techniques and got to watch a birth video.

They also had some goofy acronyms that they told us. There was PAIN for contractions (purposeful, anticipated, intermittent and normal), COAT for when the water breaks (color, odor, amount and time) and 5 1 1 for contractions (5 minutes apart, 1 minute in duration and 1 lasting 1 hour --that means go to the hospital).

We also had fun trying to read the greek letters on the instructors inner left foot below her ankle. To me it looked like alpha xi delta and a rose, but it was hard to tell because tattoos hold their beauty with age.

Oh, and are you ready for real scary news? Amanda went to the doctor today and she is 2 cm dilated and 50-60% effaced. Oh sh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!t was my reaction. I needed a shot of vodka after hearing that, but since I was at work that really wouldn't work out. The doctor also said that anytime now within the next 2 weeks.

Right now I still have the deer in the headlights scared feeling. Good thing we bought the stroller and car seat yesterday. I guess I better pay attention in the "First 3 months" class tomorrow on how to change a diaper.

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