Friday, September 28, 2007

First Doctor Visit

I found a family doctor the day before I gave birth to Xander. It was a big hoop for me to find someone who was recommended, covered by insurance, taking new patients and local. The doctor who seemed to fit the bill would not take us because I wasn't giving birth at the local hospital (excuse me for moving mid-pregnancy). Finally in a fit of frustration I went through the list of docs covered by insurance until I hit one and the receptionist was really nice so I said 'sign us up'.

At the hospital I was repeatedly asked who the pediatrician was and I could barely remember his name, let alone phone or address. When we got home I did call and make an appointment.

So today I get up and get Xander ready. I had half of a melt down because I didn't get much sleep and then I couldn't find the address. But finally it all worked out and we were there. There was no one waiting which could be a good sign (very efficient) or a bad sign (no one likes the docs at this practice).

So we get in and Xander is weighed (7 lbs 10 oz, he's a growing boy), measured (18.5 inches, he's a shrinking boy) and his head measured (13.5 inches, it's his brain that is growing).

Then we waited for the doctor. It wasn't a long wait, but Xander decided it was his food time and was letting everyone know it. In fact, he leaned his head over and I thought he was resting a moment between screaming but in fact he'd latched onto his own arm and managed to suck hard enough to bruise himself. Bad mom, letting your child get hungry enough to maim himself!

The doctor came in and gave him a quick check - heart, lungs, belly button, circumcision and pronounced him healthy. He also asked the fun questions about what the poop looked like. He patiently answered my paranoid new mom questions (his eye is pussy! his lip is purple! he's only eating for five minutes) and made sure to give me his number to call if more panic ensues.

But the thing that won me over was that he said I could stay and feed Xander there if I wanted. No rush to get me out of there (I could hear other patients coming and going, so I wasn't the only person there after all) and it was much appreciated since I had other errands I wanted to run.


chicks514 said...

Sorry, I put the Dr. business card on the fridge and... I... thought... you... knew... that. Sorry. Glad to hear it was only a half meltdown.

Yea, he's healthy!

Hugs said...

Oh, I got it off the fridge and put it with his file folder and then it became invisible. So meltdown is not your fault. :)

Julie said... sensible and not crazy-new-mom of you to not find a way to blame him for it anyhow.

Yay for a nice doctor! And a growing baby! (Katie shrank 1.5" from birth to day 3 too. Ped said that they don't do a very accurate measure at the hospital, just sort of drop a measuring tape next to the squirmy baby.)