He is a Virgo:
Modest and shy, meticulous and reliable, practical and diligent, intelligent and analytical
Fussy and a worrier, overcritical and harsh, perfectionist and conservative
His birthstone is a sapphire
He is born during the year of the Pig, according to the Chinese zodiac. I believe it is a very lucky year to be born, but I couldn't find details about it.He was born on a Tuesday: Tuesday's Child is full of grace
He shares his first name with several saints: St. Alexander, St. Alexander Nevsky, Pope Alexander, and so on.
His middle name is after Chris's maternal grandfather (so Xander's great-grandpa).
He has Chris's crazy pinky toe. And Chris's eye shape, nose, ears, shoulders. I'm beginning to question if he's mine at all.
Not just the year of the pig, it's the GOLDEN year of the pig. Very special year for the little piglets to arrive. Congrats to yours! ;) Katie was the year of the rooster/chicken/cock and it's funny but one of my favorite nicknames for her is "chicken" or "chicky". I guess it worked it's way into my brain.
Kids that look like their daddy are very special. Just ask Katie. ;)
I thought it was a golden pig year! However my extensive google search (glancing at the first page of results for 'pig chinese zodiac') failed to bring it up.
That's about as extensive as a new mom on her first few days solo-ing is expected to go.
And, um, I do understand how to use apostrophes correctly. Really. Its, not It's. Really. Slip of the finger, not the brain.
Hmmm, because we were sitting here judging you and your apostrophe usage. We'll let this one go for now, but only because you overused the apostrophe and not underused it.
Amanda (using Chris's account)
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