Wednesday, March 14, 2007

comments I've heard

Some of the comments that people make to you when you tell them you are going to have a kid are pretty funny. Although I'm disappointed I haven't heard "May your first child be a masculine child" (Godfather and Clerks 2). I told one dude at work that Amanda was pregnant and he says "Dude, you are going to be a terrible daddy." I then punched him in the arm and almost knocked him off his chair, apologized, straightened him in his chair and hit him again softer all while we were both laughing.

Later that same day, the same guy was looking for something and he asked me and I gave him a snippy answer and he replied "Dude, calm down, we'll find out who the father is." I'm still laughing about that one! Amanda liked that one too. *how suspicious!*

Other than that, the kid seems to be doing well.

Amanda's morning sickness seems to be increasing. At first, we were pretty amazed at how her weak stomach was handling the pregnancy. Then since last week she seems to have all day long feelings of nausea every other day.

Amanda appreciates all the phone calls too, so thanks!

I'll try and get some more pictures of her belly up here to track the progress. About right now at 10 weeks Peanut is the size of your longest finger. Peanut. I think that's the official name for the time being.

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