Sunday, January 18, 2009

play area at the mall

We trekked out today as a family so Amanda could get some winter maternity clothes. We made it to the mall and Amanda wanted Xander to burn off energy at the kiddie play area. I didn't mind since the whole point of the trip out was to allow her Xander free time to do some clothes shopping, so we followed the screaming, screeching and crying noises to their epicenter at the mall. It's a nice circular area with giant soft plastic animals and slides. As we approached Xander screamed with excitement. Amanda took off to so some more shopping and I played the helicopter dad and followed 5 feet behind as he weaved in and out of kids (the place was packed).

It was a fine time, he ran around tree stumps, crawled through tree logs, and sat on a kid. The majority of the time he spent climbing up to the treehouse and sliding down FACE FIRST onto the carpet. I let him keep doing it in the hopes that he would learn to go down butt first, but instead he learned how to control his speed with his hands. Eeeh, good enough...and there's no rug burn on his face so everything is okay.

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