Thursday, January 8, 2009

A (Boring) Doctor's Visit

We went to the doctor for a pregnancy check up yesterday. We were able to hear Enchilada's heartbeat for the first time (Xander wasn't impressed). Other than that, there was nothing new to report from there. Next month is the big ultrasound though! People keep asking and, yes, we will try to find out if the baby is a girl or boy.

We've also been asked about belly pictures this time around, since we posted them weekly before. Well, I'm way more embarrassed by my belly this time around. I'm getting a baby belly at 14 weeks and last time it didn't show until after at least 20 weeks. It's normal, but after all of the holiday food I just feel fat pulling out the maternity pants. So once I've adjusted, we'll post a few pictures here and there.

Fortunately, the morning sickness and food aversion seem to be totally passed. The one weird thing during this pregnancy (because every pregnancy is different, you know) is I keep getting really hot and flushed. The doctor said it's just hormones. But I don't remember this last time and it's just weird when I'm telling Chris it's too hot. One day he commented about me looking flushed and I told him to feel my hand. He did and looked at me a little wide-eyed and said "They feel normal! Which for you is really warm!"

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