Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A Conversation with The Boy

I am in my room, folding clothes and Xander is wandering around in his bedroom.

X: Icky!*

I look up as Xander wanders into the room holding a dirty cloth diaper.

Hugs: Yes, that is icky. Put that back.

X (holding the diaper up to me): Icky!

Hugs (takes the diaper and walks with Xander back to his room): Yes, it's icky and goes in the diaper pail. See? (I put the diaper back in the pail and put the lid on)

X: Yeah! (claps)

Apparently I am the one who needs positive reinforcement to clean up.

Actually, Xander is doing this with a lot of things. He picked up trash at the play area and handed it to me to throw away. He picked up a dead bug at play group and handed it to me. But it's only 'icky' to him if he has pulled it out of the trash or diaper pail.

* 'Icky' is Xander's first two syllable word. Except you have to imagine it, it sounds like "ee-key!"

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