Monday, January 12, 2009


Since Xander is such a good eater, I figure he should learn to use utensils instead of his hands for everything. And many of you have seen the double-fisted chomp of death he has going on. Using a spoon would less...uncouth.

However, I still can't figure out if he is right handed or left handed! Maybe it doesn't show up by now, but some of my info says babies can start using spoons. I'm trying to teach him, but one time he'll grab the spoon with one hand and then next he'll use another. So I guess I'll just work with it for now.

At least he'll make a good pitcher.

He's doing so much better with things like following directions. At bed time we'll tell Xander to 'clean up' and he will start putting his toys away. He surprises me every day with little things like picking up the washcloth and wiping his mouth with it. He know 'shoes' means to go to the closet and get his shoes and get ready to go.

Our favorite right now is running through the routine of body parts.
"Where is your... foot?" and he'll bend over and touch his foot.
"Where is your... hand?" and he'll dry wash his hands together.
" Where is your...nose?" which sometimes he hits and sometimes he misses.
and "Where is your belly?" which I will post a video of when I find it.

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