Sunday, March 9, 2008

Teething and Food

I guess Xander is really teething now. There is drool everywhere and everything within reach must be chewed on. Friday was particularly bad for some reason, he needed constant attention and kept getting upset. I even went so far as to call the doctor to ask about giving Xander Tylenol, but due to the White Death (blizzard of '08) no one was available. Then I remembered that lots of people gave us teethers! Wow, I can't believe I forgot those. So I opened a few packages, wash the various bright squishy shapes and Xander happily chewed away.

Yesterday due to the White Death, Chris spent some time at home and we decided to begin the real food. We dug out the special spoons and washed them, dug out a lined bib and opened up the rice cereal. We mixed the cereal with some milk, but kept it very thin. Feeding then commenced as one of us held Xander on the counter (I don't know why we didn't use the high chair, that would have made sense) and the other would spoon little slurps into his mouth.

At first Xander just let it dribble down his chin. But pretty soon he'd got his mouth open and was eating. Ok, so lots still dribbled down his chin. But he didn't hate it! He almost had the hang of it at the end.

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