Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Not much new

Xander is doing just fine despite his cold lingering in the form of a cough. It doesn't seem to phase him too much, he just gets really cranky when tired.

Here's a lovely shot of Chris making him laugh.

The little bugger has learned the fun trick of leaning forward too. Not a big deal unless he is in the swing. And actually, he was doing it in his high chair while sticking out his tongue, Chris and I cracked up because it looked like he was trying to lick the tray.

He has also discovered the light fixture that hangs above our stairway. Every time I carry him down from his room, he sees it and cranes his head back to keep it in view. Then he his little pumpkin head will get too heavy and he'll snap his head back up.

Xander is also not quite as friendly with that baby in the mirror. At first it was all smiles. Now it takes a little for a smile to appear. He also is reaching for the baby. He wants a friend!

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