Thursday, March 20, 2008

6 Months!

Little Xander had his 6 month check up today. Here are the stats:

Weight: 16 lbs 11 oz (pretty average)
Length: 26 in (closer to average than it was last time)
Head: 16 in

The doctor seemed almost impressed with how great Xander seems to be doing (but that might be my motherly exuberance). The doctor was also impressed with my shoes and asked where he could get a pair for his wife.

Xander handled the shots a little bit better this time, he stopped crying before I even picked him up.

Um, I'm trying to remember all of the fun little details I think "Oh, I should blog about that." Like how his hair is finally starting to cover his bald spot. And he can now consistently get his toes to his mouth. Or how he laughs at me for no reason that I know of (and I do go check myself in the mirror).

Here's a quick story for you: We went to Steak 'n' Shake for dinner a couple of weeks ago. Xander got a little fussy while we were trying to eat so we did the ole stand by of putting the ketchup bottle in front of him. But looking at the bottle is no longer good enough, now he has to HOLD the bottle. And let me tell you it's hard to scarf down a double steakburger when a six month old is trying to suck on a ketchup bottle like it's his regular bottle. (and for those worried, Chris was actually holding the bottle for Xander so don't report us as bad parents)(yet)

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