Saturday, January 5, 2008

Poor Little Bunny

Xander has his first cold.

Chris and I have known he'll get sick at some point and while we followed basic rules like hand washing and not letting sickies hold him, we have not been germaphobes. Chris has had a cold for almost a week, so I guess it's no surprise that it's been passed along. I know my sinuses are bothering me, but Xander seems to have what Chris had.

Xander is a bit fussier than usual but seems content if he's being held or is getting attention. If he's not he has this pitiful little holler or whine. You can hear that he is congested and probably has a sore throat. And he's waking up more at night just crying. He isn't eating as much either. No fever though.

So for now I've cranked up the humidifier and put him in warmer clothes, as well as given him more holding and attention. I've considered putting the doctor's emergency number on speed dial, but I don't think there's anything else that can be done right now.

Hopefully he'll feel better in a couple of days because he has his first professional photos being taken next week.

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