Monday, January 21, 2008

Four Month Check-up

And in this corner, Xander!

Weighing in at 14 lbs 7.5 oz!
Measuring 23.75 inches!
And with a head circumference of 15.25 inches!

Poor Xander. I think he sensed the shots coming this time and he fussed and cried once we arrived at the doctor's office. He tolerated the weighing, measuring and prodding fairly well. The shots made him scream again and even though I was holding him down I couldn't watch the nurse do it, so instead I was watching him scream with huge tears welling up and sliding down his face. Seriously, I had to keep telling myself that he needs the vaccinations because I almost cried myself.

Other than that, it was a typical visit. I had a chance to ask a bunch of pesky questions that were not serious enough to call about (and the doctor agreed, he didn't accuse me of neglect or anything!). The only surprise I had was that he recommends holding off solids, even cereal, until 6 months. He says the liver isn't developed enough and just makes the baby gassy at this point. I totally thought Xander was ready for it, but I guess not. He's going through a growth spurt now, so when it ebbs we'll see what we do.

After the shots I fed Xander, he fell asleep and stayed asleep through the grocery shopping and is now going on 3.5 hours. Poor little thing. I think he needs some cuddles now.

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