Wednesday, May 30, 2007

week 21 (late)

Sorry this is late, but we didn't have our internet hooked up at the new place until tuesday morning and tuesday night somebody was hogging the computer doing real work and wouldn't let me blog. Sigh.

Anyway, here is week 21's belly picture. Our next dr's visit isn't for about 3 weeks not much to report there. Mood swings are cute, after they are over. I just can't get over the size of this thing. Her belly is huge! And I'm surprised, there hasn't been much in the way of food cravings either.

1 comment:

Rachel Schakola said...

Congrats for a boy!!! I bet he'll make you keep your mouth shut :-)

I wish he does more than spitting on your hair when you carry him on your shoulders without diaper.