Friday, November 30, 2007

Au Natural

Not too much new is going on with Xander this week. He still can't get that darned thumb in his mouth but usually seems to be content with his first knuckle and index finger. He's spitting up more and I think the knuckle-sucking has something to do with it. And his Uncle Mark has repeatedly warned us that we'll regret letting him suck on his hand when we try to break the habit.

I did order some BumGenius diapers since they went on clearance prices (still expensive, but they'll pay for themselves over time). I only bought eight and I have a few old fashioned diapers. I figure I use a few while at home each day and use disposable while on the go and at night, at least until I get more.

Chris is concerned with the smell and germs while storing dirty cloth diapers. So any suggestions are appreciated, just leave them in the comments (or email if you'd like).


Julie said...

We found a second diaper champ at a Once Upon A Child for about $10 and bought some nylon waterproof washable bags to line it. It did as good a job as the one with disposables in it, and then we'd just throw the diapers and liner bag and all in the wash each time.

The bags (we had two) are doing nuttin' here for a few months at least. If you want them let me know and I can mail them to you.

Dandysue said...

So let me get this.. do you rinse the diaper out in the sink or toilet (I remember my mom swishing them in the toilet) and then put them in the storage thing? Or do you not have to rinse?

Can you just throw them in the washer directly? Or is it so potent that the smell seeps through the lid?

Very interesting.


Hugs said...

Julie - I'd like to buy my own, but where do I find them? Wal-Mart? Which section. It's always simple things like a bag that I never know where to look.

Dandy - when Xander starts on solids I'll probably rinse in the toilet. Until then it doesn't come off easily. So far I'm using the washer to do a pre-wash and regular wash and an extra rinse if they are extra messy. They aren't too smelly yet, but they'll get worse I'm sure.