Friday, November 9, 2007

Game Time

Xander does such a great job of sleeping at night that he has a very calm active awake period in the morning. Today Chris even made up a song about being morning people (Chris and Xander are, I am not). As the morning wears on and I emerge from my lethargy, there are a few games I play with Xander. None are terribly exciting unless you are a new mom and none last for more than a few minutes at time

1) Watch the Rattle - or giraffe blanket or butterfly depending on what is nearby. I just move it from left to right to see if he can follow it. Sometimes he is great at it, other times not so much. His head has a flat spot from always looking towards his left and his eyes also seem to go left easily, more trouble looking towards his right.

2) Repeat the Sound - Xander is cooing and ahhing and making other various vocal noises, so I just repeat them back to him. Nothing exciting there, I'm just waiting until he repeats them back to me.

3) Smile for Mommy - I stand or sit so he can see me and I smile at him. I laugh and stick out my tongue and maybe tickle him a little. And he smiles back. So I leave you with these morsels of adorableness.

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