Monday, November 19, 2007

Xander's Baptism

Yesterday was Xander's Baptism and it turned out to be a lot of fun. This was after the mayhem and panic that began the day. We all were up early so went to the 7:30 mass. Afterwards I said "You know, we never called to confirm Xander being baptized today and no one called us to confirm. Let's stop by the office and make sure." Good thing we did because they had no information on Xander being registered. He wasn't on the announcement or in the office records. PANIC!

But the lady in the office was super nice and added our name to the announcements (and ended up recopying them). She found an extra candle and set everything up with the deacon. I do want to call and check his baptism certificate is taken care of.

So we headed home to relax, wait for a few people to arrive early and get the house ready. Then I think of what Office Lady said about the white garment - that we would provide it. Huh, I must have misheard because Chris and I both remember in the class saying a white towel (blanket?) would be provided. So I call Office Lady and ask and she is sure we need to have our own white outfit, which I was way too cheap to splurge on and the family baptismal garment is way too antique and fragile to wear. My mom is bringing a sweater and pants, but we don't know if they will work. So Office Lady offers to loan me one of hers! Office Lady is a saint!

I get off of the phone and nearly have a meltdown. No baptismal registration + no white garment + messy home + needing to get food ready + long term sleep deprivation= Meltdown Hugs. Chris spotted this right away and gave me a hug then sent me packing to bed for a nap. That was blissful.

So family arrived and we were distracted and left a little late because we needed to go to the office to change Xander into his fancy white duds. Rush, rush, rush and we make it in time.

The ceremony was long since there were eight different children. Xander was the best behaved of course (that may be due to the pacifier we let him have, none of the other parents let their children have one). Our family and friends took up more pews than any other family, go us!

The best part was after his mouth and ears were blessed he gave us a huge smile.

Then we all headed back to the house for food and good times. It's a fun feeling to have the house so full of people who love our little guy. And I once again learned more about child-proofing a house courtesy of some broken marble chess pieces. :)

Here we are with Xander's godparents, Ukie and T.

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