Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week what???

For those of you who have been diligently tracking our website, the little tracker at the top says we are at week 30. As in full blown third trimester. As in it could be as little as 8 more weeks till Peanut is here (though more likely to be 12, just because).

I turned to Chris with a shocked look on my face and said we're at week 30. He laughed at me and my obvious panic. Then he started swearing like an sailor and mentioning everything he still needs to do.

Also, the hormones have kicked in big time. In the past week I have had absolute sobbing fits over petty things such as Chris asking if I had washed the dishes. He picks up a plate and looks at it, looks at me and says "Are these washed already?" I can only bite my lip and nod. He says "what's wrong?" and I burst like a freakin' dam. He, of course, is a wonderful and hugs me and says nice things all the while grinning and trying not to chuckle because he thinks I'm cute. Boys.

1 comment:

chicks514 said...

Oh crap, you realized I was smiling? Oops. The funny thing is that I had to hug you otherwise I was going to roll on the floor laughing hysterically. That was really, really funny.

Love you