Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Ah, but to sleep

I'm getting tired constantly now. And Chris is having sympathy tiredness. Carrying around this extra 20+ pounds is getting harder and harder. For the first time yesterday I actually avoided going upstairs or to the basement because it just seemed hard. Maybe it had something to do with the heat and humidity, but it make me feel lazy and fat.

But it's amazing that people seem surprised by how fit I am so far. When on the Wisconsin trip a few weeks ago I got up and walked on the tread mill there for thirty minutes. One of the ladies who saw me asked how far along I was and was impressed that I had so much energy to go walking at 6 months. And I walk in the morning and evenings several days a week. I even ride my bike next to Chris when he runs, which his mom seemed impressed with. Between the weddings and relatives visiting, I've had lots of comments about how good I look. So either I do actually look good or people know when to say things to make me feel better.

Although I do not need anyone else saying "oh, you aren't that big yet". Because I can't even use the kneeler at church. And I have to sit up to roll over at night because there isn't room to just flop from one side to the other. *sigh*

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