Sunday, June 24, 2007

What week are we in?

She's going to kill me when she sees this. I zoomed in this time!

This kid needs to slow down. We are in week 25 already. This is too fast. Since moving into this place I haven't done squat around here to prepare for Peanut's arrival. D'oh. I get the fleeting suspicion that this is how it's going to be for the next two decades. No time. That's fine. Better than sitting around being bored.

We've had to change vehicles...her car is hurting her back too much, so now she has to drive my truck around. I'm sure she's getting better and better at driving stick shift...I haven't heard any stalling out stories.

She drives my 5 speed truck around with no problem, however, getting a mom-mobile that is a 5 speed is out of the question to her. Can I get some other opinions here? I don't think it'll be so bad, however, I've never driven a toddler around and have no idea how much interaction they require. Or, how much distraction they are from driving....I don't think it'll be too much of a problem, because if you ask someone who drives a manual transmission vehicle, they'll tell you that they don't think about shifting, they just shift. At least for me it's very natural and doesn't require any additional processing power from my brain.

Eeeeh. We'll see what happens. Manual transmission is cheaper and better on gas.

Oh, and I was hoping to get a picture of her belly button on here, but she refused me. Her belly button is almost gone. I can barely fit a 1/16th of an inch of my pinky finger in there, whereas before I could probably have gotten my index finger in up to the first knuckle. I begged, I pleaded, alas, no belly button picture.

I think in 2 weeks it's going to be an outtie.


1 comment:

Rob said...

Actually, the difference in fuel economy between manual and automatic is minimal nowadays - they said so on NPR! :)

As far as distraction with a baby/toddler, we haven't had much. But maybe Katie is the exception. Long drives do tend to elicit pleas for food and drinks, and if the carseat isn't reclined enough she has trouble falling asleep, but other than that she's an angel back there. And never underestimate the power of music for entertaining in the car!