Wee Little Peanut here has been nominated to state 8 random things about his/herself by
Aunt Julie. Well, let's see if the Dadio can come up with something appropriate and befitting of a fetus 20 weeks gestation.
little ocho:
1. Thankfully, I have no scars yet.
2. Nobody but me and God know whether or not an x or a y showed up first on Mom's egg. I'm going to cross my legs and keep them guessing at my next doctors visit.
3. I like to do the Jitterbug while Mom is driving or riding in the car. I think it's funny because she doesn't know what to do and mildly panics. Mmmuuuaaaah!
4. Speaking of making my Mom panic mildly...wait until she see's what I've got stored up for my diapers. Did you know she's never changed a diaper? Oh, I'm going to break her in good.
5. I hope my parents don't paint my room a dumb color. Just look at the way they dress for crying out loud....there isn't a photo around that doesn't have Mom in stripes! And don't even get me started on Dad. Someday and that day may never come, but he's going to realize that each new day isn't another day that God made so you can wear a ratty, faded Pearl Jam t-shirt. Let's not even mention those Hawaiian shirts.
6. I'm already feeling the parental pressure to attend and graduate from The University of Toledo.
7. I think my Dad is going to tourture me by making me eat onions and Indian food shortly after I exit this womb. That being said I'd like to make a request for anyone to drop me a line on any good child abuse lawyers they know. I'll pay you back, trust me, we'll win this case.
8. I can't decide what hobbies I'd like to take up first, rearranging Mom's piles (there are so many to choose from!!) or spitting up in Dad's hair. Each sounds like it will be so much fun. Maybe I'll just play with the cats and pull that long thing on the back that looks like a built in leash.
Peanut would like to nominate
Aunt Mandy to carry on the 8 random things post.