About an hour later I had a minor meltdown. It was a moment where every stressful, painful memory of the past pregnancies came bubbling to the surface. Horrible rashes, back pain, heart burn (the never ending heart burn), insomnia, nausea, constant trips to the bathroom, etc. And that was just thinking about the pregnancy. The hardest is that I'm finally working out and eating better but can't seem to lose any weight and now I will likely be putting on more weight. They were all very selfish thoughts but that didn't stop me from blubbering on Chris's shoulder.
Meanwhile he'd already used the phrase 'knocked up' at least twice, which did not help me at all.
We decided that we'll wait until we return to Ohio before we tell anyone. The big reason for waiting this time is that we don't have any regular doctors here and I do want to get a check up before we announce anything. The timing is about right to be towards the end of the first trimester, I think. The due date I estimated (with the help of savvy internet due date calculators) is February 17, which I would also like confirmed by a doctor before shouting from the rooftops. So I will be keeping these posts hidden for a few months.
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