Sunday, October 5, 2008

thank God for Cheerios

I took the day off of work on friday and was playing around the house. At some point during the day the wife was getting ready to feed Xander. I came in the back door from working in the yard and he's ready and waiting in his high chair. Amanda gives me a bit of a guilt trip to get me to feed him, so I grab the Cheerios, open up the box and pour some on his high chair tabletop. At which point I stop and proclaim "Look at me, I'm feeding Xander. I'm a great Dad!"

So that's my new trick now. If Xander is hungry I put him in his high chair with Cheerios in front of him and let him go to work.

At some point I hope he learns that when he feeds himself he doesn't have to stick his entire hand (along with the Cheerio) in his mouth when eats. He's just a bit gross. But hey, he's quiet and getting fed, I'm not going to complain.

And we just went to a wedding yesterday and Xander was all dressed up in a little tux outfit (minus the jacket) and looked real sharp. We'll put some pictures up eventually.

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