Saturday, September 27, 2008

One Year Doctor Visit and a Couple of Firsts

Xander and I trekked to the doctor's office for his one year wellness visit. The nurses all remember him and like to comment on how happy he always is, even when he comes in sick. I'll say that's a good thing to be remembered for (as opposed the the kid who falls down throwing a temper tantrum)(and I hope I didn't just jinx myself).

His measurements seem to be running on the small side.
Weight: 20 lbs, 14 oz (15th percentile)
Height: 28.75 inches (30th percentile)
Head: 16.75 inches
Height vs. Weight is in the 50th percentile, so that's nice.

I felt the need to ask about toothpaste, since Xander definitely has a full dozen teeth. And I asked about getting vaccinations, since I'm always nervous about that. I was finally given a statistic to make me feel better: it's more likely to get sick from not getting a vaccination than to get autism. I know research has some contradicting information and I respect the decisions parents make about getting shots or not, but that little tidbit made me feel better. And Xander screamed during the shot but was smiling and waving at the nurse by the time I had him dressed.


About a week before Xander turned one, Chris finally had enough and declared it hair cutting day for The Boy. And, ok, he had been referred to as a girl a few times in the weeks before that. But he has such cute curls. Chris declared we will do this ourselves. I cringed inside thinking about how Xander does not sit still. But we head outside and I hold him in my lap, attempting to pin his arms to his side.

Chris snips some curls from above one ear. Xander turns his head to see what's going on.
Chris snips some curls from above the other ear. Xander turns his head to the other direction to see what's going on.
Xander gets one arm free and feels his head to see what's going on.
Amanda re-pins arm.
Chris goes for a curl along the back of the neck. Some hair drifts down and Xander leans over to see it. Chris tries to hold his head down and just cuts across the back. Xander squeals.
And we quit. The back is too high and crooked and we laugh.
I carefully tuck away a curl of hair in Xander's scrapbook.

We totally took pictures, but I can't find where they are saved at the moment.


We went to the county fair on the day after X's birthday. I love going to the fair :) You see a huge array of people, eat food that is oh-so-good and yet oh-so-bad, get sick on the rides and waste money on silly games. We only did the first two though.

I was frustrated because I wanted to find where all of the animals were. It was the first time we'd been to this fair and the first time really exploring the fairgrounds, and there were just too many barns. Most were empty. We did find some alpacas and goats. We pulled up the the goats and one stuck out it's head. Xander reached out and touched it's nose. He started saying "Guh!" (which is what he says when he sees a cat or, apparently, any animal) and waving his hands excitedly. If only we'd found the horses.

Chris and I splurged on matching, airbrushed tatoos. We had an 'X' put on the inside of our right wrists. We tried to convince people that they were real and we had gotten them to celebrate Xander's first birthday. But people didn't believe us. I guess we're just not crazy enough to get tatoos.

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