Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The PlayArea

This weekend our friend Sarah stopped by. And while she was here she spiffed up a corner of the basement for Xander.

This is to be Xander's playarea. Now we just need to find some rubber matting and/or carpet and some long gate to keep him in his place.

Xander is constantly on the move anymore. His favorite activity is to make sure every door is properly shut. Sometimes he spends a few minutes swinging the door first to make sure it works properly. Seriously, if you set him down he will make a beeline to any door to check it. So I'm keeping an eye out for a used Learning Home for him. Then we can spend hours of me opening the door and Xander shutting it.

But there are no doors in the back room. So Xander has to content himself with playing with my fancy Longaberger basket.

Once he's bored with that, he goes for that cord you can see behind him. We're working on fixing that.

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