Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I should have my mom license taken away. And babies should not have finger nails.

Xander nearly always has a scratch or occasionally a gouge on his face. I try to keep his nails short to avoid this, but it's so hard! He wiggles and squirms or is too peacefully asleep.

I started keeping his nail clippers by his changing table to try to do one finger each time I was there. Last week he squirmed at the wrong moment and screamed bloody murder. And his thumb was a little bloody.

So I haven't tried since. Until today. His nails are practically longer than mine (proportionally anyway). So I tried while he was just waking up and groggy. On the same thumb that I tried last week. With the same results. The poor guy will be missing a fingerprint on the thumb.

I've heard to try filing. I did before with no results because his nails were too thin and flimsy. Maybe that will work better now, they seem to be thicker.

I've also heard to just bite them off. That doesn't make me happy because of germ issues. He's constantly getting his hands into his mouth and if I'm getting slobber and germs all over them... well, it's just gross.

So expect to see Xander in the Guiness records for longest nails in the near future.

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