Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Second Haircut

It has, shockingly, been over a year and a half since Josie had her first haircut. We've all had so much fun watching the blond curls grow, why cut it? Well, it's finally gotten to a point of looking unruly and a little unmanageable. When her hair was wet it reached nearly halfway down her back but dry it came to her shoulders. Every morning was getting to be a fight to get through the tangles. And the back had drastically different lengths to the curls, it couldn't even pass for layering. Josie was even asking to get her hair cut.

I tried to take a 'before' picture but Josie was dancing and could not seem to stand still, so here's a video.

We have been cutting Xander's hair at home but I was not going to attempt trimming Josie's hair. I made a few phone calls and decided to go to Cookie Cutters. Surprisingly, I had to make an appointment but I'm glad I did. When we arrived Xander took off to the slide (they have a small indoor play area). Josie was immediately brought back for her cut and offered the choice of where to sit. She decided she wanted the airplane where Tangled was playing. When I checked on Xander, he had found Lego Star Wars and was happily playing away. So I sat down with Hannah where I could keep an eye on Xander and Josie.

Josie's hair was sprayed down and trimmed to even it out followed by getting her hair dried. She didn't didn't seem to mind any of it. The stylist said Josie did a good job of following directions and other clients and stylists were complimenting her hair. As easy as that, we were back in the van heading home.

Her hair looks nearly the same, just a little shorter and a lot curlier. Hopefully she won't get as hot running around outside since the back is off of her shoulders and neck. It's definitely easier to comb through in the morning!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Magic Isotope Ball Bounce

Chris, along with Xander and Josie, invented a new game called "Magic Isotope Ball Bounce." It began when Xander and Josie received pink rubber balls from friends. Somehow Chris channeled Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes) to create this game.

It begins with someone holding the ball. Then someone else yells "Magic Isotope Ball Bounce!" The person with the ball then runs and throws the ball at the slide.


Remember, this is a children's game.

 Then there is a mad scramble to catch the ball. The person who does catch it needs to run around with their arms up in the air until someone else yells "Magic Isotope Ball Bounce!"

Xander and Josie love this game but every once in a while there were some complaints. They did have to come up with a rule for a tie when two people grabbed the ball at the same time.

 Overall, everyone got a kick out of it.

(sorry the formatting is wonky, I can't quite figure out what is wrong)

Friday, May 4, 2012

Baptism Time

Hannah was baptized a couple weekends ago, April 22. It was a little more low key than previous baptisms because a lot of people were not able to make it. Here's the events.

We decided to go to the mass at noon followed by the baptism at 1:30. Mistake! While Xander and Josie did okay, Hannah was not happy. By 1:30, she was hungry and tired. And she let everyone know that she was not happy. We couldn't hear almost anything that the deacon said because she just screamed and screamed. That's what I get for carrying on about what a happy, easy baby Hannah is.

 Why am I wearing my sister's old dress and who are all of these people?

She's a little confused as to why oil is getting smeared on her chest .
Getting holy water in her eyes may have been what set off the screaming.
Ah, the happy parents and godparents and unhappy baby.
Josie wasn't very entertained by the proceedings.
Uncle Mark is her godfather, Mandy is her godmother.
Okay, I was lazy and bought a cake instead of making one. But it was delicious!

Thanks to everyone for helping us celebrate!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Two Months

I'm running a little behind, so hopefully I can kick out a few blogs to update everyone. Hannah had her two month well check two weeks ago. She turned two months three weeks ago. So that makes Hannah....11 weeks old now.

According to the doctor here are Hannah's stats:

Weight: 12 pounds, 4 ounces (81 percentile)
Height: 24 inches (93 percentile)
Head circumference: 15.25 inches

When we returned from California we had to find a new family doctor. I'm still getting used to it. This doctor remembers us, he even asked about Josie and how she is doing after the glass eating incident. The nurses measure Hannah's height by laying her down on the table and marking her head and feet on the paper. This seems so much smarter that trying to line up a tape measure next to a squirming baby. And they have a special head measuring tape that is already looped so it fits better.

Anyway, Hannah was declared a healthy baby and was given her first round of vaccinations. One was oral and two were shots in her thighs. I could handle Hannah crying but I was worried about Xander and Josie (who were along) getting upset. I gave them a warning that Hannah would probably cry and they could cover their ears. They did fine and earned stickers when we left.

Hannah had a few rough days after the shots but since then she has become her happy self again. In fact, in the past ten days I'd say she has slept through the night four times (getting at least eight and a half hours of sleep in a row). The rest of the nights she'll only get up once. This has helped me immensely with taking care of three kids and returning to my part time job. I'm not always sunshine and rainbows but at least I'm not using the television as a full time babysitter anymore.