Sunday, May 6, 2012

Magic Isotope Ball Bounce

Chris, along with Xander and Josie, invented a new game called "Magic Isotope Ball Bounce." It began when Xander and Josie received pink rubber balls from friends. Somehow Chris channeled Calvin (of Calvin and Hobbes) to create this game.

It begins with someone holding the ball. Then someone else yells "Magic Isotope Ball Bounce!" The person with the ball then runs and throws the ball at the slide.


Remember, this is a children's game.

 Then there is a mad scramble to catch the ball. The person who does catch it needs to run around with their arms up in the air until someone else yells "Magic Isotope Ball Bounce!"

Xander and Josie love this game but every once in a while there were some complaints. They did have to come up with a rule for a tie when two people grabbed the ball at the same time.

 Overall, everyone got a kick out of it.

(sorry the formatting is wonky, I can't quite figure out what is wrong)

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