Friday, September 2, 2011

Have You Heard the News?

Chris Clone #3 is on the way!

We found out in June, while we were still in California. I've put up some of the posts we made along the way, you'll find the links at the bottom of this post.

I want to say the kids are excited but that isn't necessarily the case. When I first tried to explain to Xander that we'd have a new baby he misunderstood and thought we were going to get rid of Josie so we could have a new baby. Even now if we ask him if he's excited about the baby he won't answer but will take an adamant stand to keep Josie. However, if you ask him what we should name the baby he will have a ready answer. Right now he will say some made up version of Alexander such as Alejeho. There was a week that he wanted to name the baby Krista Elmo.

If you talk about the baby with Josie, she will insist that she is a baby and will want to pretend sleep in your arms or be burped. I'm not quite sure how to handle it but will look into ideas a little later.

By the way, the due date is officially February 19. Place your bets now!

Here are the previous posts:
She Didn't Believe Him
All the Cereal I Can Eat
Which Trimester is This?

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