Tuesday, November 9, 2010

That Darn Pigeon

When I find a book that the kids (or I) like, I tend to go online to the library and request more books by that author. Right now we have the Pigeon books by Mo Willems. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus, The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog, and The Pigeon Wants a Puppy are what we have read so far and more are on the waiting list.

Xander has picked up enough about picture books that after reading a book only once he can go back through on his own and tell the story. It might not be word for word but it's the same story line and hits the important parts. Like on the page with the huge lettering he will yell "Let me drive the bus!"

Now Xander has extended what he reads to real world circumstances. For instance, while I'm driving somewhere he will ask if he can drive the car.

X: Can I drive?
Hugs: No.
X: Can I drive?
Hugs: No.
X: Can I drive?
Hugs: No.
X: Can I drive?
Hugs: No.
X: Can I drive?
Hugs: No.
X: Can I drive?
Hugs: No.
X: Can I drive?
Hugs: No.
X: Can I drive?
Hugs: ............No.

You would think it would get annoying but so far it has been a fun game. After all, that's what happens in the book. The pigeon keeps asking to drive the bus (although he tries other methods than just asking) and we tell the pigeon 'no.'

The best was after we read the Hot Dog book. In it a duckling keeps asking the pigeon what a hot dog tastes like, going so far as to ask if it tastes like chicken.

We sat down to dinner the other night and Xander asked what we were eating.

Hugs: This is chicken.
X: Does it taste like a hot dog?

The grin on his face was hilarious.

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