Monday, November 22, 2010

Josie Speak

It occurred to me a few weeks ago that Josie doesn't use many words. Her favorite two words are 'no' and 'mine.' It's a little frustrating because Xander didn't use 'no' until he was almost two and 'mine' was a little bit after that. I guess that is what happens when you have an older sibling, you learn the survival words first.

Josie doesn't say 'yes' but she definitely gets her point across when she agrees to what you say or what you are offering her. She makes a noise that is a little like this....but without the 'doughnut'.

"Josie, would you like some yogurt?" "Mmmmmmmm!"
"Josie, would you like to hold Curious George?" "Mmmm-mmmm!"
"Josie, would you like to wear your slippers?" "Mmm-mm!"

There are a few other words that she 'says' but only we understand, because as her parents we have the secret codes to know what she is saying.
"Easssssss" is please
"Day" is thank you
"Maa" is more
"Ba" is bottle - thought she is getting better with "Bott"

I've been attempting to have her repeat new words.
Squirrel is now "S-wirl"
Elmo is "Momo"
Bob the Builder is "Bobbie"

You get the idea. She did put together her first sentence of "More Bottle," which sounded like "Maa bott." You get the idea.

The best is when she tries to sing along with songs that are making nonsense sounds. For instance, out of the blue Xander asked me to sing the Batman song (how does he know these things?) so I started 'ne-ne-ne'ing. Next thing I know, Josie is singing right along.

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