Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Josie's Baptism

Josie was Baptized on Sunday! She was so happy that she passed out and slept like a log the entire ceremony. You know, the kind of baby sleep where the arms hang limply and skin color becomes a little pale. Yup, she slept through the singing, the anointing and the water on the head. She also lost a shoe somewhere during the ceremony, which I found very amusing.

There were nine babies baptized at the time. The ceremony went a little differently than Xander's in that we stayed in our seats for most of it and it went faster.

The party afterward was fun. Thanks to everyone who helped out with food, chairs, etc. It was really hot outside, but some people braved it while others enjoyed the overworked air conditioning. Josie handled it pretty well over all, just a little grumpiness here and there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Josie and Amanda look beautiful. Chis did you get a haircut?? Nice! What an adorable family! Oh and Amanda that dress is amazing great job! Mandy