Chris and I are really feeling the crunch of getting ready for the baby. Chris is putting together the dresser/changing table, which is a beast. We had drama ordering cribs, but that is all my fault for changing the color of the crib. We moved Xander to the previous guest room so Enchilada will be in his old room.
There is just so much to get ready still. My mom helped me go through the baby clothes and pick out gender neutral clothing, but it all needs washed. All of the baby supplies such as swing and bouncy seat are still in the attic.
All of this plus all of the movement I keep complaining about has convinced Chris that the baby will be here in about 2 weeks. We'll see what the doctor says tomorrow. Anyone want to start placing bets?
June 17th!
Oh wait, that's today. Chris would have called me right? Let's go for the 23rd!
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