Monday, March 23, 2009


Xander is just getting nosier and more curious about everything. He figured out how to get into the file cabinets and desk drawers. Not a huge deal, the most he could get into is the pens in the top drawer. But still inconvenient and quite a mess can be made.

So Chris and I think we're smart and Chris buys some dowel rods and slides them through the handles of the cabinets and desk drawers. Ta-da!

Well, earlier this week Xander figured out that by climbing onto the couch and then onto the file cabinets, he can pull those rods out. And he's sneaky about it, so I'll suddenly see him running by waving two sticks around. After he tripped himself a couple of times I just took those away and am hoping the files can fend for themselves.

Yesterday Xander discovered that the dowel rods are just bendy enough to give room for his hand to slide into the desk drawer and grab a bunch of pens.

I tell you, there is no end to baby-proofing a house.

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