Friday, December 19, 2008

The way to a little boy's heart

Xander has always been a very happy boy when we go out. He's also been more than happy to take off exploring and saying 'Hi!' to everyone. He's still like that while we're in the store and he's sitting in a cart. But we've definitely turned a corner when it comes to exploring.

Chris and I noticed it a couple of weeks ago when we went to a party in the evening. It was 7:30, when we usually start getting Xander ready for bed. So when Xander started acting shy and hugging our legs, we chalked it up to being tired.

Yesterday I was able to take Xander to the library for Baby Book Time. And once again he was shy! Oh, he wasn't afraid. He smiled up a storm. But he would stray about 5 steps away and then would turn and come barreling back to me to either hug my legs and peek out or curl up in my lap and look around. It was actually very cute. It's just totally different from when I was there a month ago and Xander was everywhere.

Xander did pull himself away from me for one thing - the girl next to us was eating pretzel Goldfish. He looked at her and her mother prompted her to share. And then Xander would start saying "mo" at increasingly loud levels to get more. I fed him before we went! Fortunately the little girl was very nice about sharing. But when she went to play, Xander tried to get her Goldfish container. Then he found a Cheerios container another mother left sitting out.

So I did end up chasing Xander around at the end, trying to keep him out of other people's food.

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