Thursday, April 7, 2011

San Diego Vacation - Day 3 Zoo

On the third day of our adventures, we went to the zoo. Basically our entire vacation was going to a new city next to the ocean and looking at animals.

The kids were tired of getting their pictures taken.

The first thing we did was go on a bus tour of the zoo.
We saw lots of animals this way and had minimal problems getting the children to come along with us since they were stuck on the bus.
Josie was not amused.

I was completely awestruck by the peacocks. They were in the trees and walking around. This one was in the flamingo enclosure and was trying to scare off that duck.

Dad: Xander look, a one hump camel!
Xander: A one hump camel makes a one hump poop! Just kidding.
(you have to read "Everyone Poops" to get it)


Xander at the petting zoo.

Josie at the petting zoo.
I was able to get her to pet a sheep. Barely.

We were able to see a cheetah with it's dog companion.

Look at the baby giraffe!

Josie finally finds an animal she likes....

About time to leave.

And here is one more thing that Josie was scared of on our trip.
I should just make a post about the phobias of my children.

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