Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dealing With It

Josie busted her eye this morning.

She and Xander were helping me to sort clothes when she slipped and her head bounced off of the corner of a stool in the room.

My immediate thoughts were: Rush to her side, push Xander out of the way if necessary, pick her up and cuddle her, get ice, wait there is no ice, what if it's bad, I don't have a car today, who can I call?! Where's my phone?!?

My immediate actions were actually: Set down laundry, ask Xander to please move back, cuddle Josie, notice there is a little blood, try to spot where blood is coming from but Josie is still in cuddle mode, carry her to the bathroom and get a wet washcloth to clean her and hold on her eye, contain panic that she'll need liquid stitches on her eyelid.

As you can see, my thoughts and actions don't actually match up so well.

Josie actually asked for Cookie Boo-Boo, which is a cold pack shaped like Cookie Monster. It wasn't cold (I hadn't thought to throw it in the mini-fridge) but I let her have it anyway. She happily put it on her eye and walked off to play.

Panic averted.

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