Thursday, September 16, 2010

Story Time goes bust

Xander has loved going to the library and to Story Time so that is one of the first things I've looked into here. It would have other kids for Xander to interact with and maybe I could find some moms to pal around with (there seems to be predominately nannies and grandparents because both parents have to work to afford this area). I discovered that there is actually a Children's Library here so I was all excited.

We arrived Wednesday morning just before the library opened at 10. Well, Story Time also starts at 10. As we waited the entire yard of the library filled up with nannies, grandparents and even a few moms, all chasing the little ones around the strollers parked everywhere.

I did think that Xander looked a little older than most of the kids but since he is bigger than the average 3 year old (more about that later) I didn't concern myself with that. I was concerned that he said he had to pee and the library still hadn't opened. As soon as the doors were unlocked I was second through the door asking directions.

After the rest room we headed into Story Time, which is in the picture book room. It was packed! Parents and kids everywhere! I nudged Xander and told him to head up front and I looked around for carpet space for me and Josie. Normally Xander would race up front, hug the librarian and have a seat. Since Story Time had already started ("If you're happy and you know it...") I hoped he wouldn't hug the librarian.

In an unexpected turn of events, Xander burst into sobs and latched onto my legs.

Let me tell you, Xander has no 'stranger danger' (which is something we are working on). He says hi to everyone, he hugs the kids in line at the store, he will join in any game already in progress - including grown men playing soccer.

So I stood there for a couple of beats, completely shocked by this behavior. Then I remembered that there was a room full of people still singing ("...stomp your feet.") So I picked Xander up and hussled him out. Which is hard to do when holding Josie and a diaper bag and Xander is limp and sobbing.

He sat on a footstool and calmed down. And he adamantly refused to go back into Story Time. I can only guess that he was surprised by it being different and so full of people. So we wandered around and got the lay of the rest of the library. We headed out to the car, buckled up and, as I put the key in the ignition, I hear "Mom, go to Story Time."

We'll try again next week.

On a side note, the ages for the Story Time here are very different from home. I didn't even think to check. Toddler Time (which is what we went to) is 18 months to 2 year and PreSchool Time is 3 to 5. So Xander is on the border, which is why he seemed so big. This almost makes me nervous about going to PreSchool Time because it is for children a little older than him. We'll give it a try and I will let you know.

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