Friday, January 15, 2010


Back during my first year of college when I lived in a dorm (wait, I mean residence hall) my friends and I would go to I-House (International House) to have dinner at the all-you-can-eat-buffet. Anyone who has had a meal with me knows that I can be a picky eater, but I would try a few new things every once in a while. And I wouldn't like it. So I would spend the end of my meal building my mashed potatoes into a fort with flag, little men and an orange pop moat. Or I would mix together the milk, juice and pop to see what would happen (curdling fizz, perhaps). You get the idea. My friends were all slightly disgusted by it and I wonder now why they kept inviting me to eat with them.

I keep flashing back to that as I'm too late to stop Xander from pouring his milk into his stew. Or as I see him dip his mandarin orange in ketchup (by golly, he ate it). Or when I come from the basement to find the new hairstyle is hair spiked with yogurt. Yeah.

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