Thursday, October 29, 2009

Fall Fun

Xander and I went out to rake this weekend.

After the second pile, Xander realized he would do a better job jumping into the piles rather than raking the leaves into a pile. He would run up, jump and put his legs out and land sitting down every time.

Since then, when he sees a pile of leaves he will start laughing and take off towards it.

Last night we worked on the pumpkin carving. Chris picked up 4 pumpkins a couple of weeks ago and they have been sitting on the front porch. I picked up a cheap ($3) pumpkin carving kit last week. When we got down to business, Chris opened up the pumpkins and emptied them out with Xander's supervision.
Xander wasn't allowed to do much else because his drawing skills aren't quite up to making triangles and because he's not allowed to play with sharp objects. The sharp objects were extra cheap and broke anyway.

Xander had to go to bed, so the quality control department wasn't quite up to scratch. But we are happy to have our pumpkins done.

Josie slept through both events. Guess she's not quite in the holiday spirit yet.

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