Friday, June 6, 2008

"Where you lead, I will follow..."

Guess who is crawling? Yup, he's finally gotten it figured out. And, as previously mentioned, this is due to Xander's need to pet Ainsley. She came in and flopped down on the floor. Xander saw her and got up, moved the arms, scootched up the knees and kept on going all the way across the floor. Not very coordinated yet, but he'll work on it.

And when he got to her, Aisnley promptly moved. Xander followed her some more and this time scored a fist full of fur for his efforts. Ainsley then sought the safety of the couch.

Xander also is mastering sitting up. We could set him down in a sitting position, but he would never stay very long because he wants to move and touch. So now he has figured out how to get from his hands and knees to back up onto his rump.

I remember when I was pregnant and my side was all sore and crampy from him kicking me just below the right ribs and I wondered "Is this a sign of how active he'll be?" Yeah. He is even not liking the jumperoo because he can't move as much as he'd like.

In other news, more baby proofing is in order. At least he has good taste in videos.

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