Thursday, June 19, 2008

Nine Month Check-up

Xander was off to the doctor today for his check-up. He is waking up early so was in need of a nap when we went in for his appointment, but that didn't stop him from smiling at everyone. It did make him entirely squirmy when we were waiting. Ah well, on to the details:

Weight: 18.1 lbs (though we had him at 19.1 when we weighed him this weekend), this is on the low end of 25% percentile
Height: 27.5 inches, average at 50% percentile
Head Circumference: 17 inches, I forget what percentile and don't feel like looking it up
Weight to Height: Xander is in the 75% percentile which is good

He was pronounced in good health and I was told to keep up the good work. That made my day. And the fact that there were no shots this time helped.

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