Sunday, October 20, 2013

Update - Hannah Style

Oh, how the little ones grow. Hannah is trying so hard to rush past this toddler phase. She so badly wants to be like her big sister. She wants to sit on the potty (and has successfully used it a couple times), she is reading, watching television, follows directions, laughs, dances and even occasionally speaks.

I'm continually surprised by how 'girly' Hannah can be. I guess I thought one of our daughters would be a tomboy. And while they are active and enjoy the rough-and-tumble games, they both love to dress up in play clothes, other people's clothes and with as many accessories as possible.

The thing that gets me about Hannah is she is very meticulous and wants to have things just so, even at the tender age of 20 months. She rearranges her food, fork and drink when we sit down to dinner. She rearranges her blankets when I tuck her in at night (though Chris claims she does not do that for him). If she wants a coloring book, Hannah will take every single one out of the cabinet and then decide which one she wants. 

Clearly the oven mitt belongs in the kitchen.

I have way too many pictures of my children sleeping.
Hannah has developed attachments to many of the friends (aka stuffed animals) in our house. After much fighting over the special few (most are free-for-all, but a couple are just Josie's or Xander's), I took the kids to Build-a-Bear after dropping Chris off at the airport for a three week work trip. Xander and Josie helped to make Hannah's special friend, Misty. Misty, named after the Pokemon trainer, was an instant hit. So much so that Josie keeps stealing her away from Hannah. Boy, did that plan backfire.

Hannah spends a lot of time mothering all of these special friends. She carries them, gives them bottles, feeds them, pushes them in a stroller, tucks them in, shushes them, etc.

Hannah has also discovered the thrill of art. Meaning she scribbles and then chews on the marker or crayon when you look away. If you are totally gone from the room, tattooing ensues. I thought Josie did this, because have you seen her art, but after another episode I realized Hannah is just really talented at drawing on herself.

She is also talented at singing; thought indecipherable it is very melodic. She even sings some of her words like "Thank you." Super cute.

And finally, she remains the most squish-able thing ever.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Update - Josie style (with Well Check!)

We finally had Josie's 4 year well check. It's a few months late because insurance won't cover it on her birthday (due to being in California a couple years ago) and then I completely forgot to take her in when I did get the appointment scheduled. Oops. Since there were no concerns about her health, it took another month to get her in for her check up.

Weight: 35 lbs (42nd percentile)
Height: 40.5 in (53rd percentile)

This is where I would link to Xander's 4 year stats, but apparently I never published them. He was 46.6 lbs (98th percentile) and 42.5 in (94th percentile). So despite Josie being middle of the road, she seems dainty by comparison.

We answered all of the doctor's questions and then she received a couple vaccinations. We had talked about it before hand and I promised her chocolate milk for lunch. She grimaced and yelped but didn't cry. I told her she was super brave and the nurse gave her sparkly band-aids and two stickers.

Meanwhile, Josie is an inquisitive sponge. She asks about every other sentence that comes out of my mouth. "What does 'that's cool' mean?"
"How are houses made?"
"How are beds made?"
"What's 'a minute'?"


She declined additional s'mores because they were so messy.

Hannah has to join in the picture fun.

We've held off on nail polish until this summer.

She's still my little sleeper. She doesn't need a nap most days but occasionally she'll disappear
after school and I'll find her snoring away.

She still loves drawing and any kind of art or craft. 

No dance class this year, but that hasn't impeded her flexibility.

"Mom, take a picture because I'm so bea-u-tiful!"

Speaking of drawing.....

When I asked her why she drew on the wall, she replied "It's so cute!"