At week 20 we did get an ultrasound with the results being that the baby is healthy and a girl! While we strongly suspected a girl, Chris still had to put his head between his knees and do some deep breathing.
Why does this picture keep loading upside down??
The baby is getting more and more active. I think Xander must have left a sign that says 'Kick Me Here' because this baby is getting the same spot on my right side right below the ribs.
Xander and Josie are excited about the baby. They will randomly talk to my belly to say hi or good night. If someone asks Xander about the baby he will list all of the things he plans to teach her, such as running and basketball. He has decided to name the baby Sally so I try to give him gentle reminders that his father and I might decide on a different name. Josie loves playing with her stuffed animals and will tuck them in for a nap.
I have had the best intentions to stay healthy this pregnancy so that I don't surpass a certain predetermined weight, because I'm stubborn like that. I have three prenatal workout videos but only get to do about half of a video twice a week. And, once again, I am a carboholic and can not stop myself from eating baked sweets. Ah well, at least I am getting some exercise and nutritious food in.
Here I am at 26 weeks. I feel like I am the size of a Buick but I've been repeatedly told that I look good. Maybe people can just tell I need the compliments.
You do look good! You have the clearly defined baby bump, and your legs look super awesome. Also,in this picture your hair looks like something out of a Pantene commercial, which means I have to hate you. Nothing personal, you understand.
I just hacked off some of that hair so you don't have to hate me anymore :) It is a pretty good picture...
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