Monday, March 7, 2011

Life is a Board Game

Let's see if you can name the game.

This afternoon a friend let me know that she and her kids would not be able to meet us for a play date. I informed Xander of this turn of events.

Mom: Xander, Dusty can't meet us at the park today.

Xander: Really? Why not?

M: His mom says he has a cold and needs to stay home.

X: A cold? Did he jump in a puddle?

M: Um, I don't know.

X: Because if you jump in puddles you will catch a cold.

M: Oooookay.

X: That's not good. Now Dusty needs to go down the slide. And I'm going to get the cat from the tree.

1 comment:

Hugs said...

Times up! The game is Chutes and Ladders.