Saturday, April 10, 2010

9 Months

Okay, so it's a couple weeks late, but the Josie did not get into the doctor for her well check until this Thursday. Here are her current stats:

Weight: 19 lbs, 3 oz. (50th percentile)
Length: 28 in. (above 50th percentile)
Head 19 in.

So even though she still has chunky cheeks and chubby legs, she is in the perfectly normal range.

What is new with Josie?

She has finally picked up on crawling. It's still an army crawl, but she is getting good at it. If she has something in her hands, she will still roll. She is not yet pulling herself or cruising but she likes it if we hold her standing up.

Her teeth are coming in an odd order. The bottom front are both in and the top front were on the way but seemed to stall out. So the teeth to the right and the left have popped out first. You can feel the front two are just there, so hopefully she won't look funny. Of course, if she does look funny, it will only add to her cuteness.

Josie pretty regularly says "Mama", "Dada" and is working very hard on "Cat" but it comes out as "Ga." Sadly, though Xander is her favorite person, she does not yet have a word for him.

Her hair, oh, her hair! It started out as fluffy.

And has since grown to become curly.

I really can't take her out without someone commenting on how cute she is with all that hair.

I'd like to try bows or something, but don't want to hurt her poor little noggin while trying to figure out how to style baby hair.

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