Thursday, February 25, 2010

8 Months already!

Josie is 8 months today. I almost typed in 7 and then realized today is officially 8 months. She has a couple more firsts recently.

A couple of weeks ago she spent some time playing with her cousin Adyson. Adyson is a month younger and was doing such a good job of sitting up that Josie finally stepped up on the sitting front. Before seeing Adyson sitting, Josie would sit for about 10 seconds and then keel over either because she was trying to grab toys or from sheer boredom. After seeing Adyson, Josie is a sitting machine. She loves watching what is going on, or just being able to grab a nearby toy to chew on.

These videos aren't the height of excitement. But watch at her kick her legs!

And I think it's freakin' adorable that Josie already knows how to play Peek-a-Boo. The thing about having two children close in age is that it is hard not to compare when things happened to each of them. Xander didn't do Peek-a-Boo for quite a while. He was more about what things are than about interacting. Josie loves when someone is playing with her. But when I say 'someone' I mean someone who she sees regularly, preferably without facial hair.

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