I cheered for her and then scolded her for doing it when neither of her parents were watching. So I rolled her onto her back to see if she would repeat it. She did, but only while I was correcting Xander about playing in the pen drawer. So I rolled her onto her back again. Finally, I saw her roll over! And she hasn't stopped. The only predicament is that she gets frustrated after a few minutes on her belly and then she cries until she gets rolled onto her back.
Josie has been such a great baby, she's spoiled me a little. She doesn't sleep through the night every night, but it's a good long stretch most nights. We've started putting her to bed at 8, and that works pretty well for her.
She just loves her toys. She is always holding, grabbing and chewing. I can barely get her strapped into her swing/ bouncy seat/ high chair and she is leaning over trying to get a toy. Xander is always helpful, bringing toys over to her.
Nursing her is still going well, with the exception that she won't take a bottle. Oh, and she gets pretty easily distracted especially by her big brother. Or maybe it's me yelling at her big brother to stop trying to put in Toy Story. Xander is even helping out by walking over to Josie, trying to push her head towards me and telling her to 'Eat. Eat.' It's hilarious. Chris thought I taught Xander to do this, but I'm telling you he started it on his own.
Serious Face
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