Thursday, August 7, 2008


Xander had his first split lip yesterday. He was cruising along the couch one handed, the other hand having a death grip on his elephant. I was sitting right there, but he just toppled over and landed face first on his little chair then toppled some more to the ground.

I picked him up and he stopped crying within 30 seconds. But there was a little blood in his mouth. It wasn't enough to make me freak out (Ohmigosh, he's going to bleed to death! Quickly, to Maxwell the Malibu!) but enough to completely puzzle me (Is it his lip? Tooth? Tongue? Gums? Tonsils?). And with his cold, he is tired of me messing with his face, so he kept pushing me away while I was looking (Geez Mom, I'm tough and you're making me look bad in front of Elephant). After cleaning away the blood and seeing the lip swelling, I figured it out.

Here's a lovely picture of it. Plus there's the added bonus of snot!

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